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15.01.2020 GAK-Meeting Duisburg GAK-Meeting
13./14.05.2020 Forum Adhesive Bonding- Get off a successful start with adhesive projects Mannheim Forum Adhesive Bonding
17./18.06.2020 19. Bremen Bonding Days Bremen Bremen Bonding Days
02.03.2020 DECHEMA Workshop for adhesive users: The chemistry must be right – Surface pre-treatment for adhesive bonding Würzburg Workshop Surface Pre-Treatment
 03./04.03.2020 20th Colloquium: Joint Research in Bonding Technology Würzburg 20th Colloquium Joint Research
DIN 2304-1

The revised DIN 2304-1 is available in draft form

The DIN 2304-1, which defines the requirements for a quality-compliant execution of constructive, i.e. load-transmitting adhesive joints along the bonding process chain, from development through production to repair, has been revised and is available for inspection and comment in the DIN Design Portal until 13.11.2019.
During the revision, the experience gained since the first publication in April 2016 in the daily work with this standard was taken into account and implemented. In addition to improving the structure, specifying formulations, deleting redundancies and updating the normative references, the criteria for classifying bonds in one of the four safety classes were changed. The risk of financial loss no longer has to be taken into account.



DIN Member zentriert

On our own behalf: We are now a member of DIN e.V.

After several years of cooperation in DIN standardization committees, we have decided to support national and international standardization work by becoming a company member. Since July 1st, 2019, we are member of DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (German Institute for Standardization).

FORUM KLEBTECHNIK – Get off to a successful start with adhesive projects

13. – 14. Mai 2020

Hotel Mercure, Mannheim Friedensplatz

Under the motto “Get off to a successful start with adhesive projects”, this adhesive technology forum organized by ISGATEC AKADEMIE offers the opportunity to
exchange ideas with experts about today’s and tomorrow’s adhesive projects and to find out the latest about

  • about the efficient implementation of bonding projects – from design to production – including using the DIN 2304 standard
  • the practice-oriented qualification of the responsible bonding personnel
  • the right choice of adhesives and perspectives of different bonding technologies
  • quality assurance and possibilities for non-destructive testing
  • practical experience, e.g. in the automotive industry, electronics and power engineering.

I am particularly pleased to contribute a paper with the title

Carry out adhesive projects correctly or what is still often done wrong

In my paper presentation I will show that a successful implementation of an adhesive project does not only mean to find out what the “right” of the almost infinite number of adhesives offered by the different manufacturers – for Europe alone this is estimated at about 30.000 – 35.000 – is. The entire process, from component design to possible reworking, must be considered also from a commercial point of view. Various traps lurk here, into which not so experienced but sometimes also “old hands” like to step. In the best case this means “only” additional stress, but also project delays, additional costs up to bond defects occurring after series start can be the consequences.

Further information about the event can be found here

I look forward to welcoming you personally to Mannheim in May.


Adhesives Technology Compendium: The new edition 2019 offers detailed information about the bonding technology industry.

The new edition 2019 of the English language Adhesives Technology Compendium again offers important information about the German, Austrian, Swiss and Dutch adhesive industry as well as about the service portfolio of the adhesive associations in these countries.

The compendium now contains a total of 165 company profiles and thus offers a comprehensive overview of the supply and service spectrum of the adhesives industry and its system partners, adhesive technology consultants and scientific institutions. The compendium informs about the activities of the Industrieverband Klebstoffe e. V. (German Adhesives Industry Association). (IVK) and useful overviews – e.g. on adhesive-relevant European legislation and regulations, European standards and test methods as well as statistical overviews.

The compendium was published by the German Adhesives Industry Association (Industrieverband Klebstoffe e. V.). (IVK) in cooperation with the editorial staff of the trade journal “adhesion”.

You can find the online version here: http://www.adhesivecompendium.com/#p=1


19. Kolloquium: Gemeinsame Forschung in der Klebtechnik

12. – 13. Februar 2019
Maternunshaus, Köln

Dieses Jahr treffen sich Klebstoffhersteller und -Anwender sowie Vertreter von Forschungsinstituten zum 19. Mal anlässlich des vom Gemeinschaftsausschuss Klebtechnik (GAK) veranstalteten Kolloquiums zum Erfahrungsaustausch. Im Fokus der Plenarvorträge steht dieses Jahr das Kleben in der Elektromobilität. In weiteren Vorträgen berichten Vertreter aus den verschiedenen Forschungsinstituten über die Ergebnisse aus abgeschlossenen bzw. den aktuellen Stand laufender IGF-Projekte aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der Klebtechnik.

Während der Vortragspausen, dem traditionellen Get-together am Abend des ersten Tages und dem ebenfalls schon traditionellen Vorabendtreffen im „Brauhaus Em Kölsche Boor“ besteht ausreichend Gelegenheit zu einem intensiven Gedankenaustausch mit Kollegen aus Industrie und Forschung.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: www.dechema.de/GFKT2019

Workshop für Klebstoffanwender: Haftklebstoffe, Haftklebebänder, selbstklebende Artikel

11. Februar 2019
Maternushaus, Köln

Oftmals wird die Bedeutung von Klebebändern und selbstklebenden Artikeln, die dieses Jahr Thema des, am Vortag des klebtechnischen Kolloquiums stattfindenden Workshops für Klebstoffanwender sind, unterschätzt. Dies mag darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass die mit ihnen realisierbaren Klebkräfte, denen der klassischen Klebstoffe bisher deutlich unterlegen sind. Doch allein in Deutschland werden über eine Milliarde Quadratmeter an Haftklebebändern hergestellt und in den verschiedensten Industrien verwendet – das unterstreicht ihre enorme Marktbedeutung.

Der von der DECHEMA e.V. veranstaltete Workshop gibt dieses Jahr nicht nur eine Einführung in die chemischen Grundlagen der Haftklebstoffe sondern beschäftigt sich auch mit dem Aufbau und der Anwendung von Klebebändern und Haftklebeartikeln in der industriellen Praxis. Abgerundet wird der Workshop durch aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: https://dechema.de/Haftklebstoffe_2019.html